The African Art Series has launched a new initiative to bring contemporary African art to new and diverse audiences - in everyday social settings. Click below to learn more about participating businesses and venues.
The message to curators of spaces such as stores, restaurants and hotels is this: well-curated artwork is proven to attract new visitors to a venue, giving a financial boost from the increased footfall. It can also be highly beneficial in cultural engagement, with the power to unite communities with messages that bring us together. Art has long been accepted as one of the most powerful tools for promoting community engagement. Initiatives geared at bringing more art into spaces, "not only make a positive first impression, adding to the visual landscape new and interesting visuals that enhance gathering places, providing moments of contemplation, or simply a beautiful place to eat lunch" - Marine Tanguy, THE VISUAL DETOX Beyond the aesthetics however, art has the power to encourage open-mindedness through challenging our assumptions and expanding our perspective. One of the most profound benefits of this is personal growth as it nurtures empathy and understanding. Seeing the world through the eyes of others helps us better navigate social complexities and become more sensitive to the experiences of those around us. ................... The African Art Series presents a charming context to participate in a dynamic and leisurely initiative that can profoundly impact your cultural relevance.